
Thank you for visiting our giving page

On this page you will find the different ways to partner with Cornerstone City Church through financial giving. For more information on why we, as followers of Christ, believe we should give click here.


We have a variety of ways to give, whether it’s via a simple click of a button, bank transfer, standing order or by giving at our in-person services. See below to find the method that suits you best.

Give via Standing Order/Bank Transfer
If you would like to give via standing order or bank transfer please use the details below:

Danske Bank
Ref - “tithe” (+ name or initials)

Gift Aid
Are you a UK taxpayer? We can claim back 25p for every pound you donate to us.
More info here

Give By Text
Text CCC and the amount (1 to 20) to 70085

One-Time Online Gift
One off payment taken through safe, reputable companies. Click on an image to make a payment. Please note that Cornerstone will be charged fees for these services.


Fundraise with Facebook
Create a fundraiser, to raise money for the work of Cornerstone City Church


Corporate Pledge
If you own or manage a business, and would like to support the work of Cornerstone on a regular basis, please get in touch via the live chat or email.

To find out more about the work of the Hope Centre, please follow this link

If you have any questions about giving, or would like to discuss with us about where you’d like your donation to go, please fill out the contact form below and a member of our team will be in touch with you soon.


 Living in response to the Generosity of God

All of us at Cornerstone City Church are recipients of the great generosity and love of God. We are a testimony to the hope that is available for those who feel burdened and weighed down. It is for this reason that we believe it is our mandate to help those who find themselves in great need, by bringing and demonstrating the message of the Hope of Jesus.

Jesus once told a story about a King who informed his subjects, “I was hungry and you fed me, I was thirsty and you gave me a drink, I was homeless and you gave me a room, I was shivering and you gave me clothes, I was sick and you stopped to visit, I was in prison and you came to me.” The subjects replied, “when did we do this for you, we never saw you in need?”. The King said, “I’m telling the solemn truth: Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, you did it to me.”

And He said in

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Jesus gave everything on the cross, so that we could step into life. There was no price that he would not pay, there was no limit to the generosity of the Father - He gave His one and only Son. Everything was poured out as an offering for us.

We now live in response to this by being a community of breathtaking, radical generosity, following Jesus’ example of demonstrating the relentless love of the Father to our world, knowing that when we do so, we also do it for Him.