Welcome to cornerstone
A place where lives are being transformed and new stories are being written.
Cornerstone City Church is a community of devoted Jesus followers, who are committed to reconciling people to God and people to people. We, as a people, are constantly moving towards honour, devotion, community, generosity, compassion, discipleship and being filled and led by the Spirit of God.
Sunday Service
We meet every Sunday at 10.30am to worship Jesus together.
These gatherings are a time where we sings songs in worship to Jesus, share the meal of communion, hear a message from God's Word, make space for people to be prayed with, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee together after the service has ended. We also have a dedicated 'City Kids' programme for children aged 6 months to 11 years old.
Everyone is very welcome to come along to our service and if you have any questions prior to attending please email - office@cornerstonecity.church , or message us via Instagram or Facebook.
Free and paid parking is available at the North West Transport Hub, on Duke Street, Simpsons Brae, and Spencer Road with easy access to the church building.
Accessible parking is available at the back of the building, accessible from the Duke Street roundabout and is free of charge.
Hope centre
Our Hope Centre initiative has been adapting to meet the current cost of living crisis, and we believe that more than ever we have an opportunity to see people moving from a place of brokenness and crisis, to a place of wholeness and joy. As well a providing practical food support, we are also able to offer money management courses through CAP Money, we work with Life NI to offer a pregnancy support centre, as well as other services such as a clothing bank, shower and laundry services, and a drop in cafe. Our Cafe is open from 11am to 1.30pm every Wednesday.
At Cornerstone City Church, we believe that God is still moving today and is able to break through in to every circumstance. Our Hope Centre carries the same ethos, and whilst you are visiting we would love the opportunity to pray for you, and for your circumstances. If you would like prayer for anything, simply ask a member of our team (if they haven’t already offered to pray with you).
We are currently running several Connect Groups. This is a chance to make, develop, and sustain strong community outside of a Sunday morning. With your Connect Group you will walk and grow in faith together, encouraging one another and doing life together.
If you are interested in joining one you can find out more by clicking below.